Connie and I recently started a new thereapy using light frequencies in the form of a skin patch. I’ve long been a student of what frequencies can do in the medical world, so I was intrigued.
There is nothing transferred through the skin except Infrared light frequencies generated from your own body heat. It porportedly activates Stemcells that accelerate the body’s healing processes.
We will give it a good try and report here how well it works. Connie and I both have conditions that this is supposedly will help. I will not put out any hype or claims about it, but report here only what it does for us. I’d rather have a credible testimony than push snake oil onto someone. The friend who introduced us is claiming wonderful things that it does for them, and I have no reason to doubt them, as we’ve known them for years, and they have good integrity, but we shall see.
Click on the picuture above to learn more, or contact me personally to get some patches for yourself if you’d like to try them. But check back here as I update this page.
Additionally, our friends regularily hold informational meetings about this product, and it’s a great way to ask questions and drill down into what this is. We will go with you if there’s interest. If this proves out to be all it’s purported to be, it will be a ground floor opportunity to truly help a lot of people and make some commissions as well.
Be well and God bless.