Last Wednesday I was at our evening prayer meeting at Church, and the theme was gratitude. I was thinking of how often we grumble over the high cost of things, or complain about the things we don’t have. Seems like every way we turn we see less having to go farther, or things simply being taken away from us. Every pain in life is a learning experience, and I believe this is no exception. I submit to you that if we look, we can see the joy in the resources that God gave us, no matter how little we think we have, and he can use that joy powerfully for the Kingdom. “But I barely have anything to live on, you’re not in my shoes!”, you may say. True, everyone has a different circumstance, but I’m convinced that if we’re living in the Spirit, there will be no room for complaining because we are no longer ours, we belong to Him. Since Jesus is our advocate, it’s his job to complain for us in our behalf. King David said, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” Psalm 37:25 NIV.
Jesus taught us that a poor woman lost the only coin she had, and searched diligently for it until she found it. She then called her friends to celebrate with her because she was go glad that she found it. When Jesus fed the 5000, he didn’t grumble at only having a boy’s lunch available, he was grateful for it because we read, “he gave thanks”. There are many more examples of those with very little, coupled with gratitude and faith, accomplishing great things.
I lived many years with the mentality that I was supposed to wait for God, “For when God gives me what I ask for, I can start doing what he gave me a vision for.”. But God already has given me everything I need to do his will right now. I was just too focused on my own lack to see it. If you name yourself as a follower of his, you already have what you need to start doing the things he has for you. What is it you love to do? What gives you the most satisfaction when doing it? Ask the Lord for a way to leverage it to serve the Kingdom and push back the darkness. Jesus Himself said, “My yoke is easy and my burden light”. What he did on the Cross really paid for every facet of us, and redeemed us for his use. That means we would never be in need. But that only kicks in if we are grateful to him for everything. We look to him, he supplies. We look only to ourselves, then all the burden is put back on us alone. He will work his power through us if we are willing vessels to be used of Him.
Very well written as always.
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