Here are some videos I’ve found that could be pulled from Social Media anytime because of the sensitive content that the deep state would rather you not see regarding the struggle to make us victorious against the forces that would hold our nation captive. I chose these to post here because together, they paint a picture of what God is doing with his Church and what we need to expect in the future. Each video is a piece of the puzzle that when put together, will give you strength, faith and an excitement for what is ahead. Enjoy.
Praying Medic: Getting to the Bottom of Emotional Healing
Here is a very compelling video getting down to the heart of how emotional healing can take place. You will be amazed at how readily God wants to heal traumatic pain in everyone, so that joy can flourish and a heart can be open to receive his truth.
Eric Jones, Pastor Evident Life Church
My Wife and I go to Evident Life Church in Gilbert. I’ve wanted to highlight our Pastor and post one of his sermons for some time now. Sunday Morning the 13th of November was profound and challenging all at the same time. This one is my choice to show you who he is, what he’s about, and why Connie and I feel Holy Spirit has drawn us to Evident Life as our Church. Right now I just have audio, I apologize.
Mario Murillo on 10/20/22
Connie and I went to FlashPoint Live at Dream City Church, where Mario Murrilo preached a short but powerful message that sobered the crowd and delivered a soul-bearing wake-up call that I believe every believer needs to hear. It was profound enough to share here. Enjoy.
Robin Bullock:
Sin, Justuce, Authority and Redemption– A Story of Love!
I was so impressed with Robin Bullock’s word on the essence of God’s heart in the plan of redemption that I thought I’d snag it and share it before it gets taken down. I’ve never heard God’s heart explained in this way. Enjoy!
Donna Rigney:
Here’s a video that is the very heart of God’s will and passion for his people. It’s also a great introductory video if you’ve not seen videos from Elijah Streams. Elijah Streams is a branch of Elijah List, a ministry revealing the prophetic voices for America and the world for many years. Each day, a new video is released (usually live) bringing new revelation. It is so uplifting and encouraging. Please listen as you discover what God is saying to his people, and discover why there’s so much to look forward to in the future.
Kat Kerr:
Giving Believers Essential Information About Our Marching Orders Going Into Our New Reality
Kat is a woman of God whom God has sent to reveal the reality and details of what Heaven is like, and how to prepare for it. She has unique insight about what God is about to do and how we are to prepare for it, so that no one is caught off guard. This video is a great overall view of what and who she is, and what God has called her to. You will be blessed watching this teaching. In her books, she describes in detail about what she has seen in Heaven, giving us a glimpse, through her, to make us excited for the days ahead.
Mike Thompson:
Bird’s Eye Perspective on Church History and How it’s played out!
This video opened my eyes and answered questions about why things have happened as they did. God IS revealing his plan to his people and it couldn’t be more exciting as we anticipate the soon Glory that will fill this earth. We are truly coming into the Kingdom Age. Please enjoy!
Hank Kunneman:
Answering the Hard Questions Regarding the current Prophetic times in America!
Hank Kunneman pulls no punches when it comes to having an answer to why and how Prophets get it wrong, and what our response should be. This is very insightful, and I thought it would be a great video to keep.
Johnny Enlow:
Cutting the Fog of War, and Revealing the Truth Behind What the Enemy is Doing!
Watch as Johnny tears away the shroud of secrecy and evil that the enemies of our God are planning and doing. The Lord has revealed secrets that the enemy would rather keep hidden. Johnny has a unique pulse on this and he shares it with us. This interview was so revealing that YouTube pulled the feed in mid sentence. This is the complete show, pulled from another source.
Robin Bullock:
Success or Doom of our Nation on Shoulders of the Chruch! We are Living Daniel Chapter 3!
Robin pulls no punches when it comes to calling the Church on the carpet on critical issues that are the responsibility of every believer.
Lance Wallnau: Lunar Eclipse on 5/15/22. What does it mean?
Lance Wallnau did the heavy research for us, and what he found was astonishing!
I’ve downloaded his Podcast video and posted it here. You will be enlightened.
Mercola: Why 75% of my patients left
This video from Dr. Joseph Mercola is eye-opening as to just how disconnected the medical world is to reality, and how the current method to approaching chronic illness is to cover up symptoms. This eye-opening video will shed some light on what’s really going on.