If you’re in the east valley, try to access my repeater on 440.675 MHz (+) with a PL (CTCSS) of 107.2 Hz. It’s on AllStar node 29600, and it’s usually tied to the Western Inter-tie Network (WIN system). The WIN System is a link of over 100 or so full time repeaters all connected to each other from all over the USA and the world. Some are connected using RF, others use the Internet on Allstar or IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project). My repeater is built on Asterisk, the Open Source Telephony Project. Asterisk is much more than a telephone system, it’s a communications tinkerer’s playground; a great platform from which to build a repeater. When you talk on my repeater, you’re being heard on local ham repeaters all over the world! I run my repeater on 100% solar, with a backup battery at night.
Here is the link describing my solar system.
Here’s a view of the basic map coverage of my repeater. The areas in red have the strongest coverage, and is suitable for HT use.

This is my Quantar Repeater on a rack in my laundry room:

Here is a look at my repeater antenna tower tower as viewed from the front yard:

Here is my Raspberry Pi 3 Repeater controller:

Click here to hear my repeater on streaming audio
Click here to find out more about ham radio.
Baofeng UV-82 dual band hendheld, High Power, 8W
TYT TH-9000 UHF Mobile radio
Contact me at john at qso daught com
Hi there
Heard you on 146.670 just a couple min ago.
I guess this is not a simplex freq ?
I would like to talk to you
Hi Richard.
I will email you
I am in Apache Junction , have a winter house there
Did you get my email?
Richard, call me when you’re back in town. My email address is on the contact page.
Heard you on 146.970 in Las Vegas. Excellent webpage.73
Robert Howard
Been tuned to your repeater to listen in on some of the win system nets, and it has been quite the experience. I just got licensed on tuesday and still havent transmitted yet, but i hope to sometime soon.
Great QSO today on ECR. Neat setup.